| 更新时间 2024-12-21 21:00:00 价格 3780元 / 件 品牌 CAT 型号 153-5710 容量 12V200AH 联系电话 010-56018769 联系手机 18612657778 联系人 于洋 立即询价 |
卡特蓄电池153-5710 卡特蓄电池CAT153-5710/12V200AH总部德国CAT卡特蓄电池-柴油发电机电池 德国卡特彼勒CAT蓄电池、卡特蓄电池,(Caterpillar)CATBattery、柴油发电机电池、挖掘机、推土机车用启动蓄电池等产品和服务德国卡特比勒蓄电池()有限公司90多年来,卡特彼勒一直在持续进步,在各大洲推动积极的变化。客户向卡特彼勒帮助他们发展基础设施、能源和自然资源资产。
Cat® 蓄电池用于确保起动动力。 在所有气候条件下和世界上恶劣的应用中均具有较长的使用寿命。
用于严苛环境的 CAT® 蓄电池卡特彼勒优质输出 (PHO) 蓄电池
卡特彼勒蓄电池是所有卡特彼勒产品的标准设备,与竞争对手的产品存在显著的差别。 卡特彼勒专门设计了自己的蓄电池,以满足卡特彼勒产品工作环境的严苛要求。
·业内的冷起动电流 (CCA)
·100 小时振动测试(工业标准的 5 倍)
·SAE J2185 寿命周期
卡特蓄电池153-5710德国CAT卡特蓄电池-柴油发电机电池卡特彼勒 PHO 蓄电池可使用国际蓄电池理事会 (BCI) 的分组规格在全世界供应,适用于卡特彼勒设备和其他制造商的设备。 在汽车、船舶、娱乐、公路卡车和客车应用中,甚至可以使用精选的 BCI 分组规格蓄电池。
卡特蓄电池CAT153-5710/12V200AH总部通用系列 (GSL) 蓄电池
卡特彼勒 GSL 蓄电池是一种的选择,可以挑选多种 BCI 和 DIN(欧洲汽车)分组规格,用于汽车、轻型卡车、商业、工业、倍率 UPS、农业、船舶和娱乐应用。
· 业内的冷起动电流 (CCA)
· 的安培-小时容量
· 100 小时振动测试(工业标准的 5 倍)
· 的深度放电-重新充电循环
· SAE J2185 寿命周期
· 可用于免保养和低保养设计
卡特彼勒 PHO 蓄电池可使用国际蓄电池理事会 (BCI) 的分组规格在全世界供应,适用于卡特彼勒设备和其他制造商的设备。 在汽车、船舶、娱乐、公路卡车和客车应用中,甚至可以使用精选的 BCI 分组规格蓄电池。
通用系列 (GSL) 蓄电池德国CAT卡特蓄电池-柴油发电机电池
卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)CAT®保费输出(PHO)电池中使用的所有卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)CAT机和发电机组。设备在崎岖的地形上运行,电池必须承受极端的振动。这就是为什么卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)CAT蓄电池通过100小时的振动试验,而竞争的电池符合要么18或36小时的标准。卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)CAT蓄电池超过行业标准中的所有五以下严格的测试:1. 100小时的振动试验
2. 德国CAT卡特蓄电池-柴油发电机电池72小时深层充放电循环测试
轻型化、商业、汽车和房车电池满足你的电池需要轻型商用,汽车和娱乐应用,卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)CAT®服务总线(GSL)电池的价格竞争力,并提供卓越的价值和性能。通过浏览我们的大的选择6V电压8V,为电池能满足您的需求12v GSL电池。6V,8V,12V电池:
1. 德国CAT卡特彼勒蓄电池CAT\153-5710总代理骑式割草机,草坪和园艺拖拉机拖拉机
2. 船舶和船(包括但不限于电动船、渔船、游艇、游艇、气垫船、喷气式滑雪板、Powerboats、摩托艇、巡逻艇、滑雪艇)
3. RV和ATV(包括但不限于A类、B类、C类,旅居车;露营车,四驱越野车,体育亚视和并排)
4. 轻型卡车(包括但不限于小型货车、越野车、卡车和拖车)
5. 尔夫球车
6. 雪橇
7. 急救灯
8. 公共汽车(包括校车、双Decker公交车和公交车电动公交车)UPS电池德国CAT卡特彼勒蓄电池CAT\153-卡特蓄电池153-57105710总代理长生命动力供应电池阀控铅酸(VRLA)电池的后备电源的正确运行的关键。这就是为什么卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)CAT’®不间断电源(UPS)电池的设计是为了提供功率的瞬间为了保护你的敏感的计算机和制造设备对电压或电流的波动或下降可能造成的损害。我们的UPS电池能发电必不可少的医院或关键任务负载停电期间。他们帮助确保您的发电机符合符合NFPA 110标准。
吸收Glass Mat(AGM)技术是在我们的电池芯。耐穿刺玻璃垫分离器吸收所有的电解质,从而降低内部电阻,结果有效率,短期动力。这对保护短裤和失败。卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)CATUPS电池提供的功率容量和电池的一致性,具有持久的可靠性。
美国卡特彼勒CAT铰接式卡车740B EJ
BATTERIES AND FILTERS FROM CATERPILLAR PROVIDE LONGER LIFECAT BATTERIES PROVIDE LONGER LIFEYou can’t trust your machine if it doesn’t have a battery you trust. You need to know your battery will start your equipment every time, even in the most extreme weather conditions. The best way to assure your equipment or car will start is to install Cat® Premium High Output, General Service Line or Uninterruptible Power Supply batteries that are manufactured to Caterpillar’s high-quality standards.
PREMIUM HIGH OUTPUT (PHO) BATTERIESCat PHO batteries are built to demanding Caterpillar performance tests. Vibration is the primary cause of battery failure in construction or highway machine applications. They are factory installed on all Cat machines and generator sets and manufactured to provide higher starting output and vibration resistance than standard machine batteries. That’s why no matter how extreme the weather is, Cat PHO Batteries are ready to work when you are.
GENERAL SERVICE LINE (GSL) BATTERIESCat GSL batteries are designed for the best performance of your light-duty truck, automotive and recreational vehicles. Our high quality 6, 8, and 12 Volt GSL batteries meet and exceed industry standards. You can count on Cat GSL Batteries for your next road trip or long haul.
FAST BATTERY REPLACEMENTWhen you need a replacement Cat battery, Ohio Cat has most PHI and GSL Cat batteries in stock and ready to install. If we don’t have what you need, we can get it for you quickly using the worldwide Cat® parts network.
EXCELLENT WARRANTYWe stand behind our batteries with one of the best warranty programs in the industry. Call an Ohio Cat parts or service department for more details on the replacement and warranty program.
IT PAYS TO USE GENUINE CAT FILTERSEvery Cat machine performs better with genuine Cat parts. Cat filters improve performance. Additionally, they protect vital machine parts for longer life and higher resale value. Contamination, even by particles too small to see, costs you money. As contaminants move through the system they cause component wear. The advanced design features found in Cat Filters combine to deliver maximum filtration efficiency and the protection you need to get the most out of your machine.
All filters are not the same. Cat Filters have:
• Acrylic beads to prevent pleat bunching
• Spiral roving for greater pleat stability
• A nylon center tube to prevent metal contamination
• Molded end caps to prevent leaks
When you look at what’s inside a Cat filter, you can see the difference from other brand name filters is obvious. Our advanced design features maximum filtration efficiency and protection so you get the most out of your machine. Our filters are specifically designed, without compromise, to provide consistent performance quality to protect your Cat machine and improve your bottom line. While other brand filters may fit, Cat filters provide the superior quality and protection you need to maximize your engine and other component system’s life. Replacing your “off brand filter” with a genuine Cat Filter is easy. Have your off brand filter part number ready and contact one of our parts departments.
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