Battery Energyis Australia's leading gel battery manufacturer with a fully integrated battery manufacturing facility in Sydney. Battery Energy manufactures a complete range of gel batteries using its proprietary SuperGel long life plate technology developed in collaboration with the CSIRO. Battery Energy's unique technology provides for a more robust and longer battery life than traditional technologies, especially in extreme climatic conditions that makes it ideally suited to mission critical and safety applications in solar / RAPS, telecommunications, transport, power generation, military and other applications.
The development of the Australian gel battery was a direct response to a number of client requests to get a better service life from their sealed batteries in harsh operating conditions.
In addition to our gel product range Battery Energy also markets a premium range of AGM batteries for the telecommunications, standby power and UPS industries.
Battery Energy Power Solutions Pty Ltd values your privacy and the protection of your personal information. Personal information collected by Battery Energy Power Solutions Pty Ltd is treated as confidential and is protected by the Privacy Act 1988.
◆ 以气相二氧化硅和多种添加剂制成的硅凝胶,其结构为三维多孔网状结构,可将硫酸吸附在凝胶中,同时凝胶中的毛细裂缝为正极析出的氧到达负极建立起通道,从而实现密封反应效率的建立,使电池全密封、无电解液的溢出和酸雾的析出,对环境和设备无污染。
◆ 胶体电池电解质呈凝胶状态,不流动、无泄露,可立式或卧式摆放。
◆ 板栅结构:极耳中位及底角错位式设计,2V系列正极板底部包有塑料保护膜,可提蓄电池在工作中的可靠性,合金采用铅钙锡铝合金,负极板析氢电位。正板合金为锡低钙合金,其组织结构晶粒细小致密,耐腐蚀好,电池具有长使用寿命的特点。
◆ 隔板采用进口的胶体电池波纹式PVC隔板,其隔板孔率大,电阻低。
◆ 电池槽、盖为ABS材料,并采用环氧树脂封合,确保无泄露。
◆ 极柱采用纯铅材质,耐腐蚀好,极柱与电池盖采用压环结构即压环与密封胶圈将电池极柱实现机械密封,再用树脂封合剂粘合,确保了其密封可靠性。
◆ 2V、12V全系列电池均具备滤气防爆片装置,电池外部遇到明火无引爆,并将析出气体进行过滤,使其对环境无污染。
◆ 胶体电池电解质为凝胶电解质,无酸液分层现象,使极板各部反应均匀,增强了大型电池容量及使用寿命的可靠性。
◆ 过量的电解质,胶体注入时为溶胶状态,可充满电池内所有的空间。电池在温及过充电的情况下,不易出现干涸现象,电池热容量大,散热性好,不易产生热失控现象。
◆ 胶体电池凝胶电解质对正极、负极活物质结晶过程产生有益影响,使电池的深放电循环能力好,抗负极硫酸盐化能力增强,使电池在过放电后恢复能力大幅提。
◆ 电池使用温度范围广(-30℃~50℃),自放电极低